Banned on Discord
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Banned on Discord

New Member

I was banned because maybe I had insulted a discord member in a funny way and I think that's why the moderator banned me, It was all jokes but I forgot when I was banned I think It has been years now I think I was banned on Nylex's Discord before the Unturned Roleplay Server was released 


Hopefully I could get a second chance since I've want to interact with the unturned roleplay community I've been desperate wanting to join the discord server but I couldn't, I know I made a mistake and I've learned from it I was stupid and young not thinking and now I've realized what I did wrong, hopefully I can get unbanned on the discord server, I promise the moderators and other staff members I won't do it again, and I also forgot when I was banned on the discord server It was a long time ago


I was banned on Nylex's Discord (I forgot when I was banned It was a long time ago)

Steam Profile:

Discord: Notmeforsure#7821


Thank you - holyspirit

Topic starter Posted : 05/06/2023 7:49 pm