Banned for 1 year b...
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[Solved] Banned for 1 year because of a raging admin (Cheif)

New Member Customer

I was banned for 1 year for these reasons: I went and confronted the admins about my friend who said the n word and got banned for 2 weeks instantly. The reason he used the word is because the admins pulled up in a car near me and my uppermentioned friend, and robbed us. Then I went ahead and started asking why the hell did my friend get banned. The reason WHY I WAS BANNED is because at the end of a long argue with the admin that banned me (Cheif), and I said the n word
It states that i was banned for a year due to' MASS KOS, FAILRP, RACISM', when truly i was only banned for one, racism. I also want to state from the server's '/rules' that there isn't an actual "Don't say the n word rule", the only rule there is no harassment and common sense related to the topic, (and i like to mention that chief said that if other admins say the n word or whatever, then it's not his problem, however if I say the n word at an admin, i will get banned...) THE REASON I SHOULD BE UNBANNED is because i was FALSELY BANNED for 1 year, I never Failrp'd, I never commited 'mass kos'. I only said the n word to an admin, which, according to my friend's ban, should last 2 weeks (his ban too)
I was banned from the UNLIMITED LIFERP SERVER
My link to my profile is:

TL;DR Chief banned me for WAY too long for false reasons 'MASS KOS, FAILRP' when i did not commit them, when also there's no actual rule that states YOU CANNOT SAY THE N WORD OR RACIAL SLURS OR HATE SPEECH in the /rules of the game, the only rule stated it have common sense and do not harass (which in my opinion is kinda what admins did when they pulled up in a car next to me and robbed me but ok).

Topic starter Posted : 25/01/2021 1:15 pm

Alright, so Chief did infact false ban you for mass KOS and failRP, BUT by definition racism is targeted harassment. It also IS a law in real life, it's called a hate crime. I'll lower your ban to 7 days, don't bitch on staff and don't have an ego around them, thank you.
- Nexx

Posted : 26/01/2021 8:51 am
crazy bob
Honorable Member Customer

Your n word using friend is trash..... and yes, I say that without knowing anything else about him.

You think a 2 weeks ban is too much for using racist slurs on a public game....nice one.

Posted : 26/01/2021 11:21 am
New Member Customer

@nexx thank you lad, also if my shit despawned cause i was banned, wtf do i do



Topic starter Posted : 26/01/2021 1:24 pm