ban appeal Gin
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ban appeal Gin

Active Member Customer

The player who reported me is SwaK

So it was just a normal day on a chernarus when i got KOSed near kraknostav military base.After a while a managed to find a weapon and i reurned to kraknostav mili base.I saw a guy killing some zombies and without a doubt i thought it was the guy who killed me(i didnt remember his name since i forgot see his name when i died).I killed him and i realized it wasnt the guy i was looking for since he didnt have any of my stuff.Of course the rules say I need to give his stuff back but i was afraid he would try to kill me afterwards.I know this was a big mistake on my part but still,do i really deserve a ban for such a long time?I promise not to KOS or disobey the rules.I sadly have no proof but i hope what i said makes sence and you will consider unbanning me...

I also want to mention the fact that my close friend diablo apparently got banned for killing him 2 meters outside of nw while having a fight...

thats all i have to say...btw nylex im a fan lol loved ur last vid XD

Topic starter Posted : 12/12/2017 5:25 pm
Honorable Member

Hey, community member here. I'd like to point out that:

1: Revenge KOS is not allowed, and seeing a guy at a later time in the same area that you were killed, is not grounds for it anyway. Besides, most people leave the area very fast after doing something like that.

2: If it was truly an accident, then teleport him back. If he kills you it's unjust and grounds for a report. If you're really that paranoid just record it afterwards to make sure. What's going to get you banned is ignoring his request for his items back. There's other options like contacting him over steam and meeting up at a safezone to safely exchange back the items.

3: The point of Unturned Roleplay is to have fun and create new experiences roleplaying. Loot has nothing to do with it and at the end of the day it's just a game. Loot is ultimatley unimportant compared to the experiences that you have here. Who knows? If you would've given the items back you possibly could've made a friend instead of being banned.

If you're truly remoresful for what you've done and have taken into account what I've said here, then you get my tip of the hat for being unbanned. I've given you my advice and I do hope you take it to heart, have a wonderful evening.


Posted : 12/12/2017 11:54 pm
Dolan reacted
Active Member Customer

There are some really bad people that would gladly kill me or betray after giving their stuff back and back then i didnt understand how the forums worked and i couldnt record due to some pc problems so i had no choice.About what u said for the safe zone i agree but i didnt think about it.

Anyways what u said is true and I thank u for the fact that u want me unbanned


Topic starter Posted : 13/12/2017 1:15 pm

Well i don't think Gin would just go up to someone and kill them i think he deserves another chance.

Posted : 13/12/2017 1:42 pm
Active Member Customer

thanks man

Topic starter Posted : 13/12/2017 4:21 pm

No problem man I really don't think you should be banned anymore.

Posted : 13/12/2017 4:24 pm
Reputable Member Customer

I agree with potato flinger If he was really sorry he would have put in more effort

Posted : 13/12/2017 10:05 pm