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Ballistic discord unban appeal

Trusted Member

I have been banned for around 3 months now from the Nylex discord server. I was banned for breaking discord tos by using vencord/better discord and then using the feature where you can see locked channels and voice channels and took a screenshot of the admin call during the roll out for the map update and then posted this in general chat. Although this is not a justified reason to do this I was in a call with some of my friends who were also trying to play the new update and they encouraged me to do this, I should have realized that it was a bad idea to do this. At the time of my ban I also did not realize that vencord was against discord's tos and would probably have deleted it in fear of getting my account banned, on top of this after my ban I deleted vencord because I did not want to get banned from discord. I feel like I should be given a second chance because it has been a long time since the ban for me to think about my actions and I am no longer breaking discords tos, also as a active and pretty well known player on the URP server it is verry hard not being able to use the reports and buy/sell channel (I have been waiting on a refund of 5 unobs for a 3 weeks now after my truck got blown up). Being banned from the Nylex discord server has really made me spend less time on the server because I feel I have a disadvantage against other players not being able to do much about players that do bannable things against me and not being able to sell things as easily.



Topic starter Posted : 20/01/2024 7:53 am
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Estimable Member

Unbanned, Be a good boy and dont do it again :grr:

Posted : 20/01/2024 7:59 am