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Riccardo's PD Application

Eminent Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc): North America

Why do you feel like you are suited for the police role?: I feel as I am suited for the police role for many reasons, one of those reasons is that I have PD in my family irl, another reason is that I have roleplayed as a police over multiple games and including unturned. I know the law and I am ready to enforce it on the server, I am also calm and can control a situation.

How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server? (roughly): I have played the server before and quit, but I rejoined and now I am playing it more and more and I think I would have 20-30 hours on record. But I have a LOT of experience on RP servers (Like 2000 hours of rp).

Link to your steam profile:

Topic starter Posted : 02/08/2021 5:14 pm

Denied due to lack of information. Give us better information. For example tell us if you like to work in a team or alone, tell us if you like helping new players ecc.



Posted : 05/08/2021 3:18 pm