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Mxloyt PD APP

Active Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc):north America 

Why do you feel like you are suited for the EMS Role?: I feel like I should be in the pd because I want to make the sever better. There for I think people should have more freedom and we need people to protect this sever so if there is a drug bust I know what to do. we need more good people like me. So people can live without getting robbed. I feel like people in this server are getting robbed or kos so to fix that I will be on top of that for people that are new or old. People have tried to robbed me so much but I was always ready so I have been good. there for I  want to be in pd.

How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server? (roughly): 80 hr

Link to your steam profile:


This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by micheal
Topic starter Posted : 04/04/2021 12:54 am