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Kezzabeii12 pd aplication

Eminent Member

My region is Europe (in school holidays on all day if i have school I'm on past 3) 

I feel I'm suited for the role because I've been in robbery's and most i make out alive and I've helped my group members when there being robbed on multiply occasions i feel i should be on the team imm a great help mabye not with spelling but definally gunfights i help people i feel like i can help people on the server if they need a heal I'm there if there's a robbery i will make it my mission to make it there as fast as possible i enjoy being in gun fights with CIVS high speed chases i love the rp I've had m multiply friends go into pd and they said its fun a little difficult but over all some of the best people to fight with and i think ill be good to there team i think people will feel like they can trust me the pd the staff the civs the main host of the server nylex sorry if miss spelt ive had a hard time with robbers i can help i want to help i just feel like i can and i know i can hopefully robert i know you can show sypathy i got my hopes up on the first aplication just to get denied im on most of the day most likly all day i can help with anything civs need my goal is to go for fbi it may be hard but im up for the challenge

I've got just over 520 hours on life rp  

Topic starter Posted : 22/07/2021 12:47 am