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Fisher´s Police Application


Hello, first off, the "How to Apply" ain´t suiting for a application.

Second, here´s a real application:

My name around this community is "Fisher". Many know me from before, many got to know me more recently and probably in the future. My
current region is Europe, Germany, GMT+1. My activity goes way back 2 years ago, hell even back to the map Russia and Overgrown.

Why i´d be fitting in the police force? Well given my past accomplishments in this community, from a pleb like 99% in here i actually made it to the top through hard work, dedication and roleplay. I´ve been staff for 18 months on the server, created the 2nd iteration of Whitelist with blood and sweat (no tears, tears are for pussies). I´d be fitting as i was known as a rule-enforcing Admin, no "ah its not so bad what you did" NO, i enforced the rules that were created in a non-discussing manner. Enforcing the "law" in the police force on the Life-RP server is nothing else then enforcing the collective rules. Other then that i can give Officers training in how to handle cases in a RP-manner, offer gun and tactical training in case shit goes down and many more.

How long ive been playing life rp? Some hours, as it was unplayable on release, officers driving by public shooting even in front of the PHQ. It´ll probably sum up more once this application gets through.

My steam should be already known, but for clearance:

Thanks for reading.

Regards, Fisher.

Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2020 4:25 am