What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc): Australia
Why do you feel like you are suited for the police role?: I believe Im suitable to become a police officer in the lifeRP because of many factors and some of them may be because I’m pretty good at pvp, I have been playing the server for a while to know the rules and how the server operates, When it comes to arresting criminals I will make sure I Have well established and secured evidence to back up why i'm arresting a person and the last reason is I know lots of things about being a PD officer as I have been PD myself and really close with many other PD officers and have learned the value and difficulty of being one. I would love to help new players get started on the server as well as reduce the amount of crime that goes on. Due to gang hubs being more popular and used I believe the increase of PD could help control the amount of gun-runs, shipments, robberies and hostages that happen in the lifeRP. As well as the bank heists return PD have been losing alot as many of the pd countering heists have no experience, this would give me a chance to help and teach pd about how to counter them as many of them are doing the wrong things. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my application and I hope to get an opportunity in becoming a PD officer.
How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server? (roughly): I have been playing on the Nylex Roleplay for about 1 year with over 1200+ hours and have enjoyed my experience in it.
Link to your steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198848266824/
Request to join this steam group: I have requested to join the steam group