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Dakota's PD Application

Eminent Member Customer

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc): Europe

Why do you feel like you are suited for the police role?:I believe I'm best suited for PD Because im good with people i have 4500+ hours in unturned Which can help me In my PD role. I rarely see much active PD and even when they are on it doesn't come close To the High demand and 50 Playerbase. I'm a European player and Can be on when noones which (Credit to my sleep schedule) This sets me apart from other applicants and allows me to help wheres it's most needed.I'm no liabilty and know exactly what I'm doing with my immense experience (But happy to learn new things) I also love the Job and what it repersents.

How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server? (roughly): 3 Years Overall Probably 1500 Hours +

Link to your steam profile: Please Note that not all my hours on this account |

Request to join this steam group

Topic starter Posted : 13/04/2023 11:04 am
Eminent Member Customer **This is my main steam accept me on this not the others that just proof of hours**

This post was modified 2 years ago by Dakota88
Topic starter Posted : 13/04/2023 4:28 pm
Trusted Member

@dakota88 +rep
isnt American and decent at pvp

Posted : 13/04/2023 4:30 pm