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BoneTheWolf PD Application ( Discord : ✪BoneThe★Wolf™#9387 )

Eminent Member

If you'd like to become a police officer in the Life RP server, make a new post that follows this template.

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc): EUROPE , Slovakia (Central Europe)

Why do you feel like you are suited for the police role?: I played on the server a long time ago under the name of "GhostSK123" I like Nylex´s Unlimited RP Server as well as the Chernarus Survival RP and I been a citizen on the URP server for quite a while and I want to join the PD and help protect the citizens Of California , while some cops can´t play the hole day cuz of REAL Life things and I want to eliminate that weakness , Summer holidays are started for me So I have a lot of time to play the server , I also have a lot of experience on a lot of RP servers as a Police Officer and I want to join the PD and bring my ideas to the Table.

How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server? (roughly): I have exactly 5900 Hours at Unturned during the time when im writing this application , but on Unlimited Roleplay Server Around 100 , I took a break from playing RP servers but i returned a few days ago.

Link to your steam profile: (If there´s a problem with game detail privacy free feel to contact me true Discord too ! ✪BoneThe★Wolf#9387 )

Request to join this steam group

 I applied for PD a long time ago but was denied , And I cant request to join the Group so I need to be Invited  - Bone

Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2022 4:00 pm


Congrats you got accepted dm me for more info. 

Posted : 12/07/2022 10:45 am