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apply for pd

Eminent Member

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): eruope

Why do you feel like you are suited for the police role?: I think I should be added to the police department because in the two months I have played, I have been acquainted with the people on the server and the way of life. Firstly, In my time on the server, I have realized that many people gain their wealth from robbery and other misdeeds. in my opinion, I Feel like there aren't as many Police online for all of the citizen's needs. For me, I am Online for 1.5-2 hours at the minimum; during this time, I see and experience many robberies and would like to help extinguish most of these because it can be very tiresome being robbed many times in the same day ultimately ruining the experience of the players on the server. Finally, I have many close ties Regulars within the community. In my opinion, most people recognize me In other words, I feel like I should be recruited to the police department Because of my close ties to the community, My experience in jobs, and my motivation to help minimize crime in the California area.

How long have you been playing on the LifeRP server?: I have been playing On the LifeRP server for about 75 hours and joined two months ago. (1.5 hours each day average)

Link to steam profile:

This topic was modified 1 year ago by sloth
Topic starter Posted : 17/11/2022 1:05 pm