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Pineapple's White-list Application

New Member

How old are you?: 14

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: Very Fluent 

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: For multiple reasons, The main one being the fact that the server is whitelisted! I feel that if it is not whitelisted many people good or bad will ruin the experience, it is also good to only pick people who bring something good to the table and we can do this via whitelisting. The second reason is the fact that I love roleplaying in unturned, Its the perfect game for survival and  by roleplaying we can bring that to light.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

role-playing experience: I have been on multiple RP servers and have worked hard to make a shop, However they have gotten raided, hence the need to join a Whitelisted server.

Character background- 

Character Name: Ogla

Gender: Male

Height: 5:11

Age: 30

Job: Shopkeep


Story: At the age of 12, Ogla was cast into the streets by his own parents, they couldn't afford him. he soon learned how to live on his own by trial and error, once he got the hang of surviving, he was thriving. He learned how to persuade people into helping him, He could talk down people trying to Fight. His words were his weapon, His knowledge was his shield, something he could fall back on. at the age of 16, he worked up enough money to buy a shop in the city, after living in the old town for so long. day and night he worked to keep himself alive and he succeeded. his motto became "If something is worth Doing, its worth doing right".  People could trust him and he became reputable. Then, the outbreak started. he saw it on the news at first, But when he saw people in the streets running, he packed up supplies, barricaded his shop and began to prepare. As he boarded up shop, his friend, Vlad drove by and saw him, he parked his car outside and ran in. Vlad had guns, A crucial element to survive. As night fell more and more zombies, came as more and more people died. they snuck out the back  and fled to the woods, remembering all the skills he learned years ago, He began talking down bandits from attacking, and started making allies.

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 21/08/2018 11:59 pm