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Kleb's Whitelist Application

Active Member Customer

How old are you?: 15

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: I am fluent.

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: I just recently started playing on the public Chernarus server and it's been a ton of fun. I've had some very epic moments and it's gotten me back into Unturned. I love to roleplay and really just act in general and I'd say I've always had a nack for it. A whitelisted roleplaying server would be new to me and would be a fun experience without all of the blubbering idiots who aren't there to actually roleplay, and I think that's probably my biggest reason why I'd like to join a whitelisted roleplaying community.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

Have you had any previous roleplaying experience? (if so we'd love to hear about it!): Unfortunately not, but it's something that really does interest me and I'd love to see how a character I create will react with others.

Character background- Write a background for your character. Talk about how you ended up in the apocalypse and what sort of person your character is- try to keep things realistic: (This can be adjusted to fit the new map as well)

Conrad, being the local badass in his small town in Washington state and practically ruling his college, was always a sweet guy when you got to know him, but no one ever did. With his college degree, his first career path was in the Navy. He started as an officer at the age of 22 and spent 4 years getting yelled at. He was stationed at almost every corner of the world, getting to know the lands and even sometimes, the ladies. When his contract for 4 years ended, he opted to stay in the last place he was stationed, Chernarus. 

Conrad joined several PMC and Mercenary groups in Chernarus before finally sticking with the very small Syndicate presence in Chernarus in 2014. While not technically PMC or Mercenary, they were a group that Conrad fit in with. The small amount of them in Chernarus made their presence unknown but effective. Before the outbreak, their main purpose was to silence government officials in Chernarus and on the border of Russia that had very different ideals from them. With news from across the sea coming up about a virus breaking out, The Syndicate group felt that they should overthrow the Russian government because the Russian government was keeping their airports running regardless of this rapidly spreading virus.

Soon enough, the virus was in Chernarus. Very few were infected but enough to cause rioting, murder and much, much worse. The Syndicate group that Conrad was a part of quickly fell apart into 3 different sub-groups; Those who wanted to leave Chernarus, those who wanted to take this opportunity to murder and overthrow the Russian government, and lastly, those who wanted to create a camp and fend for themselves until this all blew over. Conrad participated in the last group merely because he knew a few of the members in this sub-group. The other two sub-groups left to do their own thing and this left the last one, only 10 members strong. They quickly packed up there gear and moved into Berezino where they found another small group of men only armed with handguns. They held them at gunpoint and one by one, executed them all in the streets of Berezino out of fear for their own safety.

Conrad couldn't sleep that night, he stayed up considering his next course of action whilst he rub blood stains indefinitely into his clothing. His final decision was to sneak out of the camp and go off on his own. He vowed to protect the innocent and help those who can't help themselves the best he can. Barely upholding this vow, god knows how long he can keep it up....



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Topic starter Posted : 21/11/2017 6:29 am