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Active Member

 How old are you?: 15

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: Yes.

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: I am tired of playing on non-whitelisted servers where admins don't care and people break character quite often resulting in KOS and overall bad roleplay.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

Have you had any previous roleplaying experience? (if so we'd love to hear about it!): I have roleplayed on DayzRP, GTA Online, and I have been roleplaying for around a year and a half on various unturned servers.

Character background- Write a background for your character. Talk about how you ended up in the apocalypse and what sort of person your character is- try to keep things realistic: Nick Heart is/was a radio talk show host in America for 5 years and it didn't take long for him to rise to the top in the industry with his charisma and his dashingly good looks when his wife and son were the target of an attack meant to kill him due to his political views opposing a radical terrorist group. After the death of his wife and son he felt as if there was no point and he took to opiods (blueberries) his addiction worsened and his career was going downhill, he had been to many rehab facilities and when he thought there was no hope when he heard of an experimental cure claiming to be able to rid addiction, he instantly took the opportunity and with his remaining funds from his fleeting career he booked a flight and was on his way. When Nick got to the procedure room he saw a bloody tarp over what looked like a body but this was his only hope in his mind so he disregarded it though he was concerned so he stole a walkie form the doctors table just in case he needed to contact help, he was then prompted to put on a robe and was given an extremely small dose of what he didn't know was the virus when one of the first infected burst out of the tarp and started to eat the doctor. Nick was the only survivor he locked all of the patients and doctors in the room and escaped through the trash chute. His skin color began turning into the color of the infected this event also overrode him with guilt and sent him farther into his blueberry addiction and now all he has to help him in this apocalypse is his silky smooth voice, his charisma, and a walkie talkie.

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 08/07/2017 4:35 am
Noble Member

blueberry addiction? Blueberry isnt a drug irl..

Posted : 08/07/2017 3:10 pm
Active Member

It says in the backstory first that it is opiods I just want to be able to use this trait in the server by allowing an item to represent it, I can now see how that may be a little far fetched so I guess could just be a part of his backstory now.

Topic starter Posted : 08/07/2017 4:43 pm
Honorable Member

Well technically ingame they're called "Indigo berries" Though i find it odd that any old bush could be carrying hallucinogenics on it.

Posted : 08/07/2017 7:24 pm
Noble Member

Generally, when tailoring a story you should stay far from loopholes and uncertainties.

Posted : 08/07/2017 9:37 pm