Renzo2411's Staff a...
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Renzo2411's Staff application

New Member Customer

What is your region? (North America, Europe, etc.): My regeion is Europe (CET)

Tell us why you would make a good staff member and what you can do for the community: I would love to be a staff member because I like playing on the server. I like the roleplay. I'm quite familiar with the rules and I have at this point 746 hours of playtime in Unturned. I try to get on the server pretty much every day (not every day with succes unfortunatly). I follow every unturned roleplay video on nylex's channel and it would be an honnor to help you with the great video's you make. Allready thanks a lot for letting me apply to be a staff member.

How long have you been playing on servers (roughly): I have been playing on the UnturnedRoleplay severs for a couple of months now.

Steam profile URL:

Topic starter Posted : 05/03/2019 7:03 pm