Marmalade's Shop of...
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Marmalade's Shop of Universal Credit

Estimable Member Customer


I am applying for a shop of the Chernarus non-whitelisted server. I am interested in applying for shop #..

I think I would be a good shop owner because I have my team to help me, so we can be online a lot and I have good dedication to the server. I have a steady income of things to sell as getting guns and loot is one of my favourite hobbies on the server.

My shop will use my own political views of socialism. There will be discounts for those who cannot afford essentials that I am planning on selling. I will giveaway Universal Credit (used to be called benefits) of a certain amount of EXP depending on how poor the person is. 

The shop will be not for profit, meaning that all the money  spent goes back out to improve the quality of the server, to benefits etc. Customers who have at least one vehicle or a rank or kit on the server, will be taxed by 1% on their purchases, however, as the store is not for profit it will still be extremely cheap. 

Once enough money is made, we may start hiring people to work for us (store management etc).

We will be selling quite a range of items, from guns (I noticed you said you don't accept gun stores, so we can remove this if needed) to camo gear to food. If you want, I can change any of these.

I have read all the shop rules and my steam profile link is (I'm new to steam so sorry if this is wrong)

I hope you can approve me for a shop!

Note: I'm not trying to stir any political debate with this application, if you want to debate with me do it somewhere else, not here.

Topic starter Posted : 08/12/2018 2:28 pm