Gas Station on Cher...
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Gas Station on Chernarus LN URP map in shop number #10

Trusted Member

I noticed that in the safe zone there is practically no fuel for vehicles. So I would like to build a gas station (with a sandwich bar). I think that this is a good idea, you know, you come to a safe area and have no enough fuel in your vehicle, you rolling up to the station and buy fuel for example 15 caps for a normal canister. You can also buy a sandwich and some drink.

I will try very hard to be ative most of the time

I will sell fuel in canisters of 15 caps, large canisters of 30 caps, 5-10 caps sandwiches.
I hope that you will accept this offer.

safezone:Dunkertown safezone.

Shop number:10


Map:Chernarus LN URP map. 

Topic starter Posted : 06/02/2019 2:44 pm