Application To Chan...
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Application To Change The Shop (My Shop - MAterial Shop) Owner: Bruno1994

Eminent Member Customer

-What server you'd like a shop on (and the name of the safezone if there are multiple)

- Chernarus Server.

-Shop number on that server: Material Shop (My Shop).

-What theme you'd like your shop to be: Gun Shop (If possible) or a Clinic.

Let me say why: I sell metal on my shop yes, It´s cool and got good money but I want to change, to try new stuff, and I see some gun and medical shops close, because of thst many players can´t open their dream shop. And I like to try new things to keep active on the server

-Make sure you have read and understand the shop rules

-Yes I read All the rules and I know what I must do to have my shop open and secure.

-A link to your Steam profile:

This topic was modified 4 years ago by Bruno1994
Topic starter Posted : 16/01/2020 8:02 pm

Denied for the gun store and denied for the medical store.

Posted : 19/01/2020 2:38 am