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- Yo, my name is mikeyboi. I would like to apply for a shop on chernarus server
- The shop number.. well its says #xd on it and no number so idk what thats about.
- The shop will be a grocery store or a food store. But also selling some other unique stuff kinda like walmart. They sell food but they also sell things like Med stuff or some other random stuff. But mainly i will sell food!
- I used to own a shop in Dunkertown but my computer broke and i was offline for a very very long time. I always go out to explore and collect items and i would really like to sell food for people. I know three people who have asked me for some food withingan hour beofer i uploaded this application. 
- heres the link. Im excited to see what you decide!!

Topic starter Posted : 09/11/2019 8:45 pm

"Like a Walmart" well that makes it a general store, pick one thing gamer.

Posted : 10/11/2019 9:08 am
Active Member


Hey gamer thanks for the feedback lmao. I meant to say general store but i forgot.

Topic starter Posted : 10/11/2019 4:44 pm