This booster pack gives you 500,000 Currency on your server of choice.
This booster pack gives you 50,000 Currency on your server of choice.
This booster pack gives you 500,000 Currency on your server of choice.
Server | Life RP #1, Life RP #2 |
Highlights of activities you can do on the server
Places to visit along your travels
Special Locations & Map Markings
The Safezone is a communal place that welcomes all survivors to trade, run their own shops & socialize. Whilst in the safezone, players are protected from all damage.
The KOS Zones are marked areas on the map that all players are allowed to KOS at.
Places to visit
A modded gamemode based on the game Escape From Tarkov.
Explore this hardcore environment as you go out on quests, raids and loot runs in search of gear.
Complete quests to level up and unlock new areas to explore & to gain access to better equipment.
Beware of other players, the wastelands are non-stop PVP zones. Cash your gear in and spend it on other gear, upgrading your base & More!
How it Works
Send and accept teleport requests
Rocket Regions
Create a region for safezones and other attributes
Chat Master
Allows users to have specific name tags in chat
Reserved slots
Allow certain players to have reserved slots on the server
Allows a bundle of set items to be spawned with a command
Vehicle Events
Randomly spawns vehicles around the map every so often
Website Command
Let's players visit certain websites while in-game via a command
Broadcasts set messages in the chat
Allows admins to destroy any structure with a command
Custom Airdrops
Players can find modded loot in airdrops
In-game currency that can be used to buy and sell things to players and NPC's. (Our server uses Bottlecaps as currency)
/kit starter
A simple starter kit with a 1hr cooldown.
/kit watcher
A basic rifle kit with a 1hr cooldown
/kit "brute force"
A basic shotgun kit with a 1hr cooldown
A command for teleporting to/from someone
Report a player straight from within the server!
/kit <kit name>
Available when a kit is purchased from the store
send in-game currency to another player
Join the discord server from within the game
Shows a list of all the permissions and commands you have access to.
Vehicle Events
A vehicle will be spawned at a random location on the map at a random time. While the vehicle is there, the location becomes a KOS ZONE.
There is a no KOS (Kill on sight) rule on our servers. We focus more on player interaction than PVP.
Safezones are usually set around a Traders. This is where players can come to trade or socialize without fear of being harmed.
KOS Zones
Some of our servers have KOS Zones. These are areas on the map in which KOS is allowed. For example, NW Airfield on Chernarus is a KOS zone.
Survival Focused
We focus on the survival roleplay aspect of Unturned.
Hosted on premium servers
Our servers are hosted on only the best hardware with our server machines rockin' Intel Xeon CPU's, 32GB RAM & High-speed SSD's
Play through the NPC quest storyline!
We don't like to enforce many rules, we want our players to be free to enjoy the experience and do what they like. However, we do have to enforce just a short list of rules to ensure the roleplay aspect of the servers remains in play!
KOS, or "kill on sight", is the act of killing another player for no apparent reason and in a non-roleplay fashion. KOS is absolutely not allowed on our servers. This doesn't mean players can't kill each other though- whether its part of a fitting roleplay scenario, a robbery gone wrong or a retaliation to PVP instigation, there's plenty of times killing another player is ok.
There are only 3 places where KOS is completely allowed with no limits on our servers:
-The dedicated KOS Zone, usually marked on the map and/or regioned with warnings.
-Any active base/base raid (This does not include random or clearly heavily abandoned structures, they do not count as bases)
-Any active airdrop location and vehicle event location.
It would not be considered KOS if there is a fair warning and a motive.
For example: Jack warns Rick that if they don't drop their gear within 10 seconds, they will be shot. Rick refuses and is shot by Jack.
For example 2: Simon steals Teds car, Ted retaliates by chasing the car and shooting Simon.
It would also not be considered KOS if it is part of a fitting roleplay scenario.
For example: if a player has been captured by a group and refuses to give up some information so the group decide to execute him.
This would be fair and within the rules because the victim knowingly had a choice to give up the information and live or to refuse and be killed, and in a roleplay fashion chose the latter.
In the event of another player instigating hostility, retaliation is absolutely fine. In other words, if somebody attempts to rob you or KOS/shoot at you or your vehicle, it is perfectly acceptable to retaliate and attempt to kill them before they can you.
Revenge KOS, the act of KOSing someone as revenge outside of KOS Zones, if done with no motive or RP context, is considered against the rules.
However there is only 1 form of Revenge KOS that is allowed
Robbery/indecent scenes become fair game for all parties involved until everybody has moved on, just like how it works in Airdrop scenarios. This means if you are robbed/killed at a location, you can travel back to the location and KOS your attacker if they are still there as a form of revenge. This does not mean you can KOS your attacker outside of the location of the incident.
Note: Automatic systems such as Sentries are the players responsibility and act on behalf of the player.
We have safezones set up on our servers, these places are a hostile-free place for players to converse, trade and run shops. When inside the safezone, players have godmode and cannot be harmed.
We have a few rules in place to help these safezones continue to be a central place for players to visit.
-You may not camp outside the safezone and wait for players to leave to KOS/rob/act hostile towards them.
-Similarly, you may also not camp inside the safezone and attempt to kill other players who are outside the safezone.
-You may not grief the safezone. This is includes things such as destroying, carjacking or stealing players vehicles, or If you have building permissions, placing unwanted buildables and structures.
-Spamming of guns, microphones and stereos is also considered grief- so please don't do that.
-It is not recommended to build near Safezones. Large structures that cause lag to the safezone will be removed.
-You may not leave your vehicles in the safezone while you are offline (Vehicles left in the safezone while the owner is offline will be destroyed immediately).
-as stated above, you must leave others' vehicles be
-It is appreciated if vehicles that are parked in the safezone are not obstructing roads or shops.
Owning a shop in the safezone is a responsibility trusted of you by the staff team. We have a few rules to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible.
-Shop owners must not build anywhere in the safezone that isn't part of their shop unless given permission.
-Shop storage is limited to different shop sizes, which are listed in-game at the safezone. Additional decorational items are expected to be provided by the player. Admins will only provide storage.
-Shop owners must not add additional storage that exceeds the limit for their shop (decor and furniture is fine)
-Shop owners are expected to use their shop as a shop and not a base to store personal belongings. They are also expected to keep to their general theme chose when applying.
-Shop owners are expected to be active in their shop. Inactive shops will be removed.
Combat logging, or TP logging is the act of disconnecting or teleporting away in the middle of a gunfight or altercation to avoid being killed or being at a disadvantage. We do not tolerate Combat Logging on our servers.
Fail RP, or Fail Roleplay, is when a player does something to disrupt the current roleplay scenario they are a part of.
Our Fail RP rules are very simple as not to over complicate things.
To ensure everybody has a good experience, we'd recommend following these short roleplay guidelines.
When part of a roleplay scenario, please do not purposefully disrupt the experience. It's quite difficult to do this, so don't worry about accidentally doing it.
Every RP scenario is different, but doing things like teleporting away from a situation (For example when you are captured) or disconnecting purposefully is considered FailRP
Of course if you know you're the victim of FailRP (such as being captured and forgotten about), these rules don't apply
Please note these guidlines only apply when in a roleplay situation, not in general play.
When in roleplay scenarios, we'd recommend following a NLR (New Life Rule)
All our New Life Rule asks is that if you are killed in a roleplay scenario, it's best not to go back to where you were killed for a while (or until the roleplay scenario has ended)
This just ensures everyone else has a good experience.
Again, these guidelines ONLY apply for roleplay scenarios, you don't have to worry about any of this in general play/pvp.
Of course, stating the obvious:
using cheats, hacks, scripts or any third party software to gain an unfair advantage is against the rules.
If you're banned and are caught trying to evade your ban by using alternate accounts, VPN's or hardware ID changers, your chance to appeal a ban on any of your accounts will become void.
Ban by association:
If you are found knowingly assisting, being assisted by or teaming & playing with a player who is alting and/or hacking, you may receive a ban because of obvious association.
We want everybody to be able to have an enjoyable and friendly experience within this community, but giving people freedom is also important.
We'd like to enforce bans on those cases where somebody is the victim of clear targeted harassment. This includes examples of excessive abuse, racism, discrimination & bullying.
We want to make it clear that this rule is only in regard to obvious bullying. Players don't have to worry about small comments, banter between friends and jokes/sarcasm.
Above all, there will always be gray areas regarding the rules, this is where the simple knowledge of common sense comes in, use it to determine whats best for a situation you're unsure of. Better yet, if you think doing something might be against the rules, it probably is- ask around preferably to staff members if you are unsure of anything.
Please note that every situation is different, and every admin's judgement is different- some admins may be stricter than others. If you feel you were unjustifiably banned or would like a platform to discuss your ban and get your side and points across, visit the ban appeals section of the forum.
The Survivor Pack
A detailed, very cool looking backpack fit for any survivor in the apocalypse.
Flare gun
Sparkly flare guns in a range of colors.
Letgalian's Furniture
A really nice furniture mod that brings so much customization and freedom for detail to building.
Detailed Walkie Talkie
Custom walkie talkie with sound effects, helps with immersion.
Negotiator Minigun
Detailed, custom animated, buildable minigun.
Realistic Building Assets
Lots of new building assets to make bases look way fancier and apocalyptic.
iLLmatik's Littlebirds
Detailed littlebird pack with rockets, miniguns and scout cameras.
Kuruma armored car.
Rustic style lamps which make an excellent replacement for vanilla torches.
Oldie Firearm Pack
Beautifully detailed weapons from a past era. The models, sounds and animations of these weapons really bring them to life.
GoldGaming's Locker Pack
Large, detailed set of lockers to spice up any base.
Bandit's Ultimate Arsenal
Large collection of high poly weapons and gear.
Alchemy Workshop
Magic, spells and wizardry!
More Farming Mod
Farming & Crafting supplies
AviEconomy FX
HUD FX for AviEconomy plugin
Chernarus LN (URP)
Our very own custom Chernarus map
Letgalian's Clothing
A clothing pack with various outfits
Metro 2033 Mod
A weapons modpack inspired from the Metro games!
Nordic Equipment
A modpack containing warfare equipment
Dual Pistols
The ability to hold two pistols
JRG'S Fango Pack
Modded pickup trucks
Lax's Military Mod
A collection of modded military vehicles
The Cordoba
An armored, machine gun-wielding beast!
GHJ's Layered Clothing
The ability to layer clothes on top of one another
Working elevators & door systems
Creator Tools
Admin-only tools to help with creativity
Camo Outfit
A bandit outfit inspired by A2
Special Forces Pack
A huge collection of military and special forces outfits
Metal Building Assets
Fancy looking metal buildables by Roll4Charm
Multi's Food
Food and Alcohol brewing mod
License Plates
License plates for information/decoration
Greece Bundles
Greece assets bundled as one
Nylex Caps
Currency mod made especially for the URP servers
Places to visit along your travels
Special Locations & Map Markings
The Safezone is a communal place that welcomes all survivors to trade, run their own shops & socialize. Whilst in the safezone, players are protected from all damage.
The KOS Zone is a marked area on the map that all players are allowed to KOS at.
The Rad zone is a location that is home to a radioactive toxic gas that is impossible to survive in without a gasmask or biohazard equipment. In return, there is a lot of high tier loot to be found here.
The two optional official groups on the server are marked on the map. Join one of these to be granted access to its HQ.
A selection of activities to do
Community builds
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