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New Member

How old are you?: 17 will be 18 at 24-11

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: I speak english alot but my main langue is dutch

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: I love roleplaying and making big things for video's and just having fun off cam and not have to worry  about salty kids and just helping out making great video's even tho the video's you make are great already but just try to get more stuff going on in ur vids

Do you have a working microphone?: yes I do and I use it alot

Have you had any previous roleplaying experience? (if so we'd love to hear about it!): yes If been roleplaying for like 3 years now and I play on  whitelisted  from fudgy = boris we make lots of video you may know UDF and BH I'm leader of UDF so I make sure UDF comes in good hands and good video's will role out 

Character background- Write a background for your character. Talk about how you ended up in the apocalypse and what sort of person your character is- try to keep things realistic: I would like to be a person with a small clan and just being survivers and life on a hill and go out looting most of the time and just  trying to make camps to survive around and we may end up getting surounded by zombies and you guys save us in the futere and I may end up with the brotherhood if they get accepted we team up alot we are 1 big group that care about each other!

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This topic was modified 5 years ago by Goldenpug
Topic starter Posted : 04/11/2018 3:22 pm