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[Solved] NSTM's Application for Whitelist


 How old are you?: 17

Are you somewhat fluent in speaking English?: Yes

Why do you want to join the whitelisted roleplaying community?: Well, seeing as most roleplay servers are comprised of players who constantly KOS and then complain to the inactive staff about being KOSed, i'd like to play on a server where the roleplay is genuine and people aren't blood-thirsty bastards. On almost all RP servers i've been on everyone's a villain in terms of reputation. Massive groups dominate the server, and admins don't do anything. I've had my share of these, roleplay doesn't even exist - it's a free for all of who can be the most violent. I'd enjoy and appreciate being able to play actual roleplay, with actual people who aren't out for blood.

Do you have a working microphone?: Yes.

Have you had any previous roleplaying experience? (if so we'd love to hear about it!): Well, I did work on/for Robokast RP, one of the few popular RP servers during the time of its conception. I managed towns, enforced rules, and kept the RP aspect in the town(s) growing. Through the many changes that the server had went through, I kept on with it, building towns, shops, and roleplaying with the people for 2 years. While this was fun and good experience, I'd like to see one run entirely by the people, without heavy cities and building limitations as well as heavy admin reliance. 

Character background- Write a background for your character. Talk about how you ended up in the apocalypse and what sort of person your character is- try to keep things realistic:

"Radio in - This is Issac from the Coalition forces in Cherno - requesting info on a missing soldier, Amy Krieger"
"This is Phillip, responding - Amy? I think she was sent to Chernarus to get things in order - she's gone missing?"
"Cherno, yes - we need information about her so that we can find her." 
"Right, give me a minute, let me see - Ah, here, Krieger."
"Gray hair, Blue eyes, Female - Born to a relatively poor family, Amy "Aero" Krieger was born in 1983, in West Germany. From our files, it seems that she didn't have much of an enjoyable life as a child, as her father was an alcoholic struggling to keep work and her mother was constantly angry at her with any minor shortcomings. She was quite smart, however held back as she wasn't able to reach better education due to her family's financial situation. She had some simple jobs to support her family - retail, restaurants, factories - all of which she was unable to hold due to failures - until at the age of 23 she decided that she would join with the Landespolizei under Rhineland-Palatinate, attempting to be as far away from her family as possible. There she received police training in order to become a regular patrolling officer. She did well on that job, capturing thieves, drug dealers, and stopped a few robberies too. After being shot due to violent encounter when responding to a call of gunshots, she was put off on rest, when she made the decision to be apart of the Bundespolizei, under border patrol. She told us that it was a boring job for the time. Damn, she's had a lonely life. After we captured those terrorists on the 4th of September, it seems that she joined up with us. Maybe for action, for change, she didn't tell. She was very well suited for our airborne and covert ops. Hated being up with the rifles and long range though - didn't like using them, so she kept close with an MP5, SD3, I think. I do remember that when she was here, she almost crashed one of our vehicles - she doesn't drive too well. Seems like that all the info we got."
"That it? What about the Op in Cherno? Do you know anything - anyone she might have been with?"
"She did deploy with her regular squadron as well as UN forces around the same time as the outbreak was spreading in Russia - I think Lucy whats-her-name, married to, went with her. I think you might know her - tall, dark hair- should be at the base camp. Ah sh---hold"
"Everything okay over there?"
"Fuck, fuck, damnit - ter---sts released the infecti-- --ere - It's al---dy spread------ gotta go----it, at---ks on our patrols - wi---cont--t lat--"

"She's... gone? But, what about the people she went with?"
"We don't know at this time, unfortunately. Could you tell us what happened prior, however?"
"Right, right - wait, could I get some of that chocolate first?"
"Fredrick, give her the chocolate."
"Mmm, that's good. Right then. It was maybe a few months ago, I presume. She told me that she needed to go here, Chern, for a UN operation. I asked her how long, she said she didn't know. So I wanted to tag along. I promised I wouldn't do anything bad, so she was fine with it. So on Sunday, I woke up. Naturally she was still asleep, so I started getting things ready first. Did I tell you she looks much calmer when she's asleep? Her face seems much calmer -"
"Enough of the details, what happened here?"
"Right, sorry - we went up here, getting people into camps, quarantining areas - until she had to respond to an attack on some civilians that was occurring in one of the towns being evacuated. She seemed angry when they mentioned civilians. At that same time, we had to move our camp - dunno the reason, until we were then attacked by what seemed like a gang of people using guns that had wooden parts - and some that were infected. I think they might have tried to get medicine from us. Most of us had run off in order to stay safe and alive - quite a mess it was. We still had some of the rations that the coalition forces gave us - but that became smaller every day. So we sent people to find food - but some never returned. A soldier came across us, however, and he claims that he was with her at the time."
"Lets go ask him then."

"It's all a blur, I'm sorry, let me remember"
"Take your time, soldier."
"Right... right, we were sent on a call to secure a town and its inhabitants - our convoy was driving down the road when our front car got hit by a rocket, and then they came right out of the forest, firing at us. I returned fire, and then... another rocket... more gunfire... explosions"
"What happened to Amy?"
"I... I saw her darting in-between the vehicles, helping up others, returning fire, and... I don't remember. We recieved a call from base to retreat as they were under attack, but we were attacked on our way back. We were scattered, lost... I don't know where she went."

Amy ran from the convoy after the rocket struck them. She knew that one of the soldiers in the Coalition was backstabbing them, but who, she didn't know. So she went to respond to the call. While in one of the vehicles, she noticed that one of the soldiers was talking into their radio, but she wasn't able to hear them on hers. At that exact moment, the rocket struck the vehicle behind them. She saw him running out of the vehicle into the woods. She wasn't about to let him get away. She quickly returned fire, and then darted into the woods, gun in hand. She finally saw him, resting on the side of a tree. She took aim. He fell. Now, Amy was lost - radio signal dead, little food and water, and only some ammo. She ambled around the woods for a bit, looking for signs of people, food, shelter, anything - until she came up on a town. But the inhabitants didn't look normal. They seemed to be dragging themselves around. Given her bad eyesight, she had to get up closer to see. As she got closer though, she realized - they weren't human. Her hunger forced herself into the town to find food. While searching some cabinets for any canned goods she could get, she knocked over some porcelain plates that were left - which alerted the infected. More and more chased her, as she ran from the city. With almost all of her ammo used up - she continued to look for food, for water, for people.

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Topic starter Posted : 30/12/2017 4:46 am

+Rep Nice app hope to see you in WL 🙂

Posted : 30/12/2017 5:10 am

Very well written, great grammar and for once its of a multiperspective different people! Love the style and well researched. Took long enough for a application like this! Here some more stuff id ask you to read through but you sound quite educated about rp as Ex-Robokast staff.

Posted : 30/12/2017 7:10 am