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Hongduongn120's Staff Application

Active Member Customer

Hello, my name is Hongduongn120, i'm from Asia (Vietnam) and  i want to become a staff

Why would i be a good staff nember? Because i'm a nice guy, i could stay cool and calm in numerous situations and i'm not bias to anyone. I am, however, very strict to the rules and will always give out fair and equal judgement to anyone who broke the rules. Also, i really like to help people and this community and i will never abused my power as a staff.

I am fairly famous in the community and want to help making it better.

Some of my flaws are: Have a hot temper when other people make jokes about me and i'm mildly toxic. I'm working to fix this flaws to the best of my abilities

How long have i played on the server? A bit hard to tell. If we count the total amount of playtime on the server ever, then i have played for about 5-6 months. I first joined in Summer 2018 and have sometime "rage quit" for months on end.

My Steam account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198410732731/

Thx for reading.

PS: I know this application is underwhelming compared to some of the the other posts. But i hope that wouldn't be the reason for you to considered my post to be "inferior" to the other posts

Topic starter Posted : 09/02/2020 10:41 am
Fin Richards

i don't like you're attitude in discord if im honest. you always follow the sarcastic approach and it's quite immature

Posted : 09/02/2020 12:57 pm
Active Member Customer


Thx for the reply and I will try to fix the problem you just mention as quick as I can.

Topic starter Posted : 09/02/2020 1:28 pm