Kosd by one person ...
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Kosd by one person but the otherone said some stuff about admins.....

Trusted Member Customer

 The two people that kosd me names were anfanger and burppee. The koser was anfanger and he said do u want to raid this base and i said sure tp to me cause i was at the base. He just shot me and i died. here are some screen shots that have proof that they kosd me they also said stuff about admins not gonna ban them because he said "I kosd someone and nylex was on and I didnt get banned." and some other stuff about how admins dont care about this server anymore  http://steamcommunity.com/id/Smash-God/edit.

I hate playing with assholes like these two


Topic starter Posted : 27/03/2017 3:23 am
Estimable Member Customer

They are probably abusing the "bases are kos zones" rule.

Posted : 27/03/2017 6:29 am
Trusted Member Customer

it was also on russai


Topic starter Posted : 27/03/2017 11:54 pm
Trusted Member Customer

Can someone plz deal with these people cause they keep on kosing people and there not getting banend. its making the server a lot worse when they say oo want to raid tp to me. they end up kosing.

Topic starter Posted : 29/03/2017 5:17 am